Welcome to the world of Yrgopelago

What is Yrgopelago?

Yrgopelago is the name of this grand archipelago, containing about 27 islands. On every island there is a hotel. Every hotel has it's own website, and you can visit it to get more information about where to stay on your journey in this fabulous island world.

A hotel in a city


As a manager of a hotel, your responsibility is to make sure that your guests can book a room for one night or more. This can be done both manually (by visiting the hotels website and fill out the form), or automatically, by making a POST request to the same hotels API.


Every succesful booking by you as a tourist immediately results in the return of a precious vacation memory package, delivered as a response from the hotel to you as a tourist. If you've made the booking manually, you will see the response on the screen, or if the booking was made by the API, the response would be sent back json-encoded to your booking system, where it should be handled automatically, possibly inserted in your vacation log book.

Central bank

An 8-bit representation of Yrgopelago

To handle all your withdrawals and deposits in Yrgopelago, there is a fine central bank to your service.

Visit our central bank

Island list

Island Hotel Stars
Lindenwood Isle Forest Haven Hotel ☆☆☆☆☆
Pitchfork Isle Haystack Hotel ☆☆☆☆☆
Squanch Isle Wubba Lubba Lodge ☆☆☆☆☆
Fo' Shizzle Isle Smooth Mansion ☆☆☆☆☆
Mainframe Island Back-End Hotel ☆☆☆☆☆
The Reef Reef Relief ☆☆☆☆☆
Coconut Paradise Coco-Loco Resort ☆☆☆☆
Tatooine Java the Hut ☆☆☆☆
Isle of Eden Euclid Hotel ☆☆☆☆
Blackthorn Isle The Selkie's Rest ☆☆☆☆
Insula Bolmia Code Spa Hotel ☆☆☆☆
Transylvania Castle Orlok ☆☆☆☆
TubbyLandia Sunshine Dome Hotel ☆☆☆☆
Yharnam Hotel Yharnam ☆☆☆☆
The Second Long Island The Deliscious Denoted Depository ☆☆☆
Vampisle The Lovelace Hotel ☆☆☆
Corsica Lapin Cove ☆☆☆
Clown Island Hotel de Pierrot ☆☆☆
Purrfect Island Whisker Haven Retreat ☆☆☆
Lönnskär Skäraton ☆☆☆
Mystery Island Glass Onion Hotel ☆☆☆
Infinisland Hilbert's Hotel ☆☆
Aplagunen Trädkronans Resort ☆☆
Mos Le'Harmless The Wilderness Refuge


All transactions in Yrgopelago are handled by the central bank. When you want to book a room (which is the main thing you can spend money on), you'll need to make a withdrawal first. That will give you a transfercode in return.
Handing over a key, woodcut style The transfercode is then used by either pasting it in a form field if booking manually, or by sending it as part of a POST request to the hotels API.

The hotel manager then uses the transfercode in a deposit to the centralbank, thereby getting the money for the tourists stay.

The steps of a transaction

The tourist (you) wants to book a room for two days. The room at your friends hotel cost $3/day.

  1. Tourist visits the central bank and makes a request for a transferCode worth $6
  2. Tourist fills out the room booking form, including the transfercode
  3. Hotel recieves the transfercode and controls it against the central bank before approving booking
  4. Hotel then make a deposit using the transfercode, thereby getting $6 to their account

The four hotel rules

  1. Every hotel has exactly three single rooms (budget, standard and luxury), so you can only have three guests at the same time.
  2. As a manager, you set the price for your three rooms, but you should probably adjust the price according to the room standard and the star rating of the hotel. The more stars, the higher the cost.
  3. The hotel website must have a form where visitors can book a room.
  4. As a manager, you will check for how many stars your hotel is qualified to, and the hotel website should display this info.
A hotel in the jungle